have a nice day for you all!! I have for today special things!!
Happy Digital Scrapbooking Day!!! I would like to celebrate with you!! We have special surprices on the A5D forums and this weekend we have special sales - products are 30% off!
And we have a blog party!! Here can you find the blogs - they are my friends - the mixologist at A5D!

Dido Designs - you are here :-)

So here is my new mini kit - Pinky Winky:-)
I have so many gorgeous pages from the talented girls :-)
here are some:
by adriennfarago:
by Anubis1, beaute:
by ema79, emmasmom:
by Gachal,Ge Visacri:
by Irenchen, jacc:
by JanaO, JanettD.:
by Janka, Jarkab 1:
by Jopke, Justyna:
by kimla,Mary:
by Mary, Mrs.Ela:
byMrs.Ela, Nia kariani:
by Pauline, Petu
by Pride, stepko:
by Tinci, Tine:
by Vanessa06, vivolita:
and here is my freebies for today:
yes I have two:-)
Pinky Winky free qp:
and a free feel the line template:
oh and I forgot!! leave a comment here at this thread and I'll pick 3 winners who will have my new Pinky Winky mini kit!! deadline: 10th nov!!
and the last:
I will give for my new readers 3 more coupons!!
You must just be my reader and I'll give you a surprice!!
hagyj üzenetet itt és 3 szerencsést fogok kiválasztani, akik megkapják az új mini készletemet:-)
illetve az új olvasóim között is szétosztok 3 kupont!!
have a nice day for you all and happy party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

37 megjegyzés:
Thanks Diana, love the template and your new kit is exquisite. Happy DSD!!
Thank you for the wonderful freebie!!!
Gyönyörű az új mini készleted, nagyon tetszik a fekete-lila színkombinációja. Köszönöm a freebie-ket!!! A template-ért kifejezetten odavagyok, mert csúúúúúúúúúúúcsszuper!!! :)
I love the colors of your new kit. Thanks for the wonderful template freebie and thanks for the chance to win.
how gorgeous!!! Thanks for the template!! Love it :)
Black and pink is a very stylish combination! Beautiful kit!
Thanks so much for the wonderful freebies I really love your template, a great way to get to know your designs, never used your templates before!
Thank you so much for the wonderful and great looking freebies!! Your new mini kit looks awesome, great colors!!
Hugs Natascha
Thanks so much! Love your new kit and admire your templates!
Thanks so much for the chance to win
thanks for the template its wonderful!
Thank you for the chance!!!
Gyönyörű az új készleted! Nagyon nagyon tetszik!
Köszönöm a template freebiet.
OMG, Diana!!!
Thank you for the chance!!!
Thanks so much for the wonderful stuff you have given us!! Ia ppreciate it!!
Tnxxx for the freebies and the chance! :-D
Happy DSD!!
I love the colors of new minikit!it's amazing! Thank you so much for the wonderful freebies and for the chance to win such a beauty!
Nagyon bejön az új készlet! És köszi a freebie-t!
Nagyon tetszik a színvilága a készletednek!!! Köszi a freebie-t!
Szuper ez a pinkywinky :-) Köszi a templatet, vittem + megkísértem a szerencsét megint :-)
Fantastic! I love your designs!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Nov. 06, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you for the chance!!!
Thanks so much for the gifts! Happy iNDSD!
Such a cute kit! Thanks
Thank you for the wonderful freebie!!!
love your new kit!! really gorgeous!! thanks for the chance!!!
Love this and all your work ~ thanks so much!!
love your work as always! thanks!
Love your new kit - thanks so much for the chance to win it!
thanks for the freebies ans the chance... Happy DSD
Love the template thanks so much for being so sweet to your blog readers.
amazing style! Thanks much!
Thank you so much for the quickpage, template and the chance to win more. :) I'm giving you some "link love" on my blog, so stop by anytime. Have a great day!
Everything is beautiful!!! Thank you very much for these great gifts!
thanks so much for this freebie
Thank you so much for the lovely template!
tysm 4 all the lovely gifts...kind generous lady...i love all your designs
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