
Chic spring blogger template for blogspot and typepad, too:)

visszatértem és hoztam is rögtön sok-sok új dologot:) A héten került az A5D boltjába az új blog sablonom, amit ezúttal Chatherine Designs készletéből készítettem:) A felkérésére Neki is készítek blogsablonokat, sőt már nem csak a blogger felhasználóknak, hanem a typepad bloggal rendelkezőknek is!! szupiszupi, úgy örülök neki:):):):)

I am back again:) I have news for you!

I created with the fab. Chic Spring 2 different blog templates for BLOGGER AND TYPEPAD!!! yes, for typepad, too:) Chic Spring - collab between Catherine Desing and Cre-Bisonine.

    This premade pack is for Blogger (blogspot)only and includes :
  • two header images
  • 2 background images
  • instructions on how to install this template on your blog
  • Ready to use html code

    These blogger templates are for use on PERSONAL blogs ONLY. Commercial or Professional use are not allowed.

ATTENTION! This premade pack is for Typepad blogs only. You need to be a PRO suscriber to be able to customize the look of your blog. Custom CSS is a feature made available to Pro level subscribers that allows them to customize the look and feel, layout, and design of their weblog . Do NOT buy this Typepad blog template if you are not a Pro suscriber and if you don't know how to use Custom CSS.

mindezek mellett új bannert, blinkie-t is készítettem az új készletből:

I made something new for Catherine designs:) new blinkies and the banner for Chic spring:)
I hope you like it!!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

banner A5d